Amendments to Pitchup bookings on Anytime are currently not synced with Pitchup
Cancelling Bookings
If you need to cancel a Pitchup Booking make sure you also cancel it on Pitchup. If a booking is not cancelled on both sides it will result in differences in data.
Amending Bookings
1. Moving a booking between pitches
This scenario is the only time that a booking can safely be moved and it be reflected on Pitchup.
2. Extending the date range of a booking
In this scenario a booking may need to be extended by one or two days either side of the existing booking.
You have a few options.
- You block off the date/s required. The block offs will then sync with Pitchup.
- You create a new booking. This will sync with Pitchup. The downside here is you will need to take payment at the point of booking or end up having to chase the customer for additional fees at a later date. Either way the Pitchup PayUp routine will still run.
- You cancel the booking on Pitchup and on Anytime and then, having noted the customer email address, recreate a new booking. The downside here is that your reporting might be affected as they have a deposit for one booking and potentially a deposit and balance for another booking. The Payup routine will also not run.
3. The Customer wants to move the date range completely
To amend a booking from its current date range, you will need to cancel the booking on both sides and create a new booking from Anytime. This will cancel Pitchup Payup and all payments. All email correspondence will then be dealt with by Anytime. The new booking will sync as normal with Pitchup.